De Winter
Visa Recipients
Age 45 | Visa #934 - DE WINTER, Levie/Leo V P A T
Age 45 | Visa #933
About the Family
The DE WINTER couple received their visas from Aristides de Sousa Mendes on May 24, 1940.
They crossed into Portugal and flew on the Pan Am Yankee Clipper seaplane from Lisbon to New York in July 1940.
- Video
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Letter from Sousa Mendes to Commander General of the 18th Military Region on behalf of Levie and Ella DE WINTER
English Translation
I have the honor to request that you kindly accord an exit visa from France to Mr. and Mrs. L. De Winter, Dutch citizens who hold visas to Portugal along with all necessary papers and desire to travel to Portugal as soon as possible. Enclosed please find their visa applications as well as a letter of recommendation from the Dutch Consul in Bordeaux. Mr. General, I thank you in advance and send you assurances of my highest esteem.

Letter from Sousa Mendes to Alfredo da Silva on behalf of Levie and Ella DE WINTER. Bordeaux, June 13, 1940
English Translation
I have the pleasure to introduce to you Mr. De Winter, a Dutch citizen, who wishes to meet you and speak about business. Mr. De Winter is a very wealthy industrialist from Amsterdam who finds himself here because of the ongoing events. I hope you don’t mind the liberty I am taking and thank you in advance for the reception you may reserve to Mr. De Winter.
- Testimonial
Testimonial of Rudolph DE WINTER
son of Levie and Ella DE WINTER - 2014
My parents not only received their visas from de Sousa Mendes in Bordeaux to allow them to enter Portugal, but also a personal plea to the local French military commander to permit them to exit France. Then, above and beyond that, Aristides provided them with introductions to an industrialist and a family member in Portugal who might assist my parents in getting news from their children (my brother, sister and myself) who were in occupied Holland. My parents having been in France on May 10, 1940 were unable to return home to Amsterdam. All this assistance being rendered was extraordinary, particularly as Aristides writes that he himself is in bed with a nervous breakdown. The Sousa Mendes story, as it develops after these many years, is one of unequalled humanity - and is one that must be told and retold to new generations.